One Year Ago, Today.

I don't know if you all, as readers, always feel the undercurrent of family, and the importance of family, as we share our stories of restoration. But the truth is, the main goal of this project is the preservation of family. Of the history and the memories of that place, and the people who passed through, making it what it is.

Recent additions

As I mentioned in my last post, we haven't had a lot of time to get out to the farm recently. I went out a couple days in December (as Bri mentioned in his post about fixing the cuckoo clock) to get the baseboards done on the second floor and haul the final bed to... Continue Reading →


On Saturday, Erin drug me out to the farm to help her carry another bed upstairs. After that, she set to work installing more baseboards upstairs and I was left to my own devices. I do have a list of smaller things to do around the house and near the top was this cuckoo clock.... Continue Reading →

Pane and suffering

it's somewhat unnerving to remove a 100ish-year-old piece of glass; I imagined all sorts of horrendous things happening if it happened to break unexpectedly

Free furnishings

As I've mentioned before, we're trying to keep costs low on our renovations at the farm. Our oldest will start college in the fall and his younger brother is just three years behind him. And frankly, Bri and I dream more and more of retirement. Luckily, I come from a frugal family line. I love... Continue Reading →

Hidden treasures

Not many women want to spend their birthdays painting and cleaning a farmhouse with a non-working bathroom. But, as my husband will readily tell you, I'm not like many women. I was happy to get up early, catch a McDonalds breakfast, and head to the farm on my birthday this year. I had high hopes... Continue Reading →

Starting at the Top

We were anxious to get started on the house. Beginnings are always rewarding because you can see immediate progress. There was also a sense of urgency because we knew that there was still quite a bit of stuff in the house that we were going to want to get rid of, and it happened to... Continue Reading →

Erin’s point of view

I feel like it's time for me to chime in with my thoughts on this whole project. Bri does have the tendency to come up with some ... mmm ... interesting ideas sometimes. I've often said that I have the "three mention" rule with him: If Bri mentions an idea once, I can ignore it.... Continue Reading →

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